Pearl Carter- Thompson

Lab Assistant Administrator

Pearl is the Lab Assistant Program. The program prepares women impacted by incarceration to work as lab assistants in healthcare settings and other work settings that employ lab assistants.


Pearl received her Bachelor of Science Degree in Medical Technology from the University of Southern Mississippi in Hattiesburg, Mississippi. She worked in the hospital laboratory setting for 37 years. She began assisting Syrita with building the program in 2019 but was delayed due to COVID. She retired in April 2021 with the goal of spending more time with her family, specifically her grandchildren. When she received a call from Syrita about the program in February 2022, she hesitated about coming out of retirement because she was really enjoying time with her family. However, she started working with Syrita again in March 2022 and became an employee of Operation Restoration in June 2022. 

She thought she would never work in a position again that has been so fulfilling and purposeful as the Lab Assistant Coordinator. “Where I am now, is where God wants me. To have a positive impact on the lives of the women gives me great joy”.


Traci Beaucoudray, Education Department Coordinator


Tracy Pratt, Higher Ed Administrator