Operation Arts

Creates exposure to music and other artistic forms to highlight the experiences of women impacted by incarceration and brings arts programming to Louisiana jails/prisons.

(Per)Sister Exhibit

OR partnered with Newcomb Art Museum at Tulane University to create the exhibition Per(Sister) to share the stories of currently and formerly incarcerated women in Louisiana, and bring to the forefront the myriad issues as identified and expressed by the women themselves. The show is currently traveling throughout the United States.

Restoration through Music:

OR partnered with New Orleans Chamber Orchestra (NOCO) to create “Restoration through Music”: A Concert Series for Incarcerated Women which seeks to provide concert music experiences for incarcerated women in Louisiana.

Dancing through Prison Walls

In 2019, OR invited celebrated choreographer and educator, Suchi Branfman to lead workshops for women incarcerated at Orleans Justice Center.

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Operation Advocacy


Operation Citizen